Saturday, February 22, 2014

Logical modeling vs. rule-based modeling

Cell signaling systems have been modeled using logical and rule-based approaches. What's the difference? A rule-based model is similar to a logical model, in that both types of models involve rules. However, the rules are usually rather different in character. In a typical logical model, rules define state transitions of biomolecules, including conditions on these transitions. They have an "if-then" flavor. The rules operate on variables representing states of whole biomolecules, and they define when and how such state variables change their values. Biomolecules in logical models are often characterized by state variables that take one of two values, e.g., 0 or 1. Such variables are introduced to represent "on" and "off" states. More than two states can be considered, but there is a limit to what's tractable, as the reachable state space tends to grow exponentially with the number of possible states. As more states are considered, there are more and more transitions between these states, each of which is usually considered explicitly when specifying a logical model. The behavior of a logical model can sometimes depend on the algorithmic protocol used for changing states in a simulation. This seems undesirable. In a rule-based model, the amount of an activated protein can be continuous or discrete, from 0 copies to all copies of the protein. This is because a rule-based model is based on the principles of chemical kinetics. The state variables implicitly defined by rules capture numbers of biomolecules in particular states and/or complexes. Rules are associated with rate laws, which govern the rates or probabilities of transitions of biomolecular site states, not the state transitions of whole molecules. With a physicochemical foundation, it is relatively easy to capture certain phenomena found in cell signaling systems, such as competition, feedback, and crosstalk. These phenomena are more difficult to capture in a logical model. At least, it seems that way to me. With model-specification languages such as BNGL (, a set of rules can be used to perform different tasks: stochastic or deterministic simulation, via a direct or indirect method. Is it possible to modify BNGL to enable logical modeling? Although typical logical models are different from typical rule-based models, it does not seem that the rules used in the two types of models, although usually different, are necessarily fundamentally different, so my answer is a tentative "yes." What do you think? 


  1. I'd be curious though - if one has enough information to specify a rule-based, chemical kinetic model, what's gained by using the rule set for a logical model simulation? I guess that being able to do comparisons would be interesting.

  2. Those who practice logical modeling might say that the advantage of this approach is that it's simpler or easier, in that physical parameters, such as rate constants and protein copy numbers, do not need to be known or specified. The approach is usually intended to capture flow of information. With a logical model, one can predict, for example, how the flow of information changes as a consequence of a perturbation. Those who practice logical modeling, at least in my experience, tend to be very pessimistic about the scenario you mention. In other words, they tend to dismiss the possibility that one would have the information needed to specify a physicochemical model. I am much less pessimistic. If the information needed to construct a physicochemical model is available, that's what I would do. Does anyone have a different perspective?

  3. Logical (boolean) modeling is probably a good choice for systems that can't be dealt with kinetic modeling. For many, it may be a forced choice rather than a preferred one because the better choice (kinetic modeling) may not be a viable option. Boolean approach is mostly limited to modeling of metabolic network systems. The reason is obvious: such models deal with the entire genome of an organism, which is beyond the scope of kinetic modeling. The approach also relies on high throughput microarray and phenotypic data that are interpreted as boolean quantities (e.g., either a gene is expressed or not, an organism in a given condition either survives or dies).

    I personally think that logical modeling is not a good choice for signal transduction systems. Experimental data can provide much more information than to be treated as boolean quantities. It is true that many details of a signal transduction system may be unknown. But taking a boolean approach is similar to intentionally ignoring even what is known for the system. A boolean model can be thought of as a simpler model derived from a kinetic model and such abstraction is always accompanied by information loss. Boolean approach is simple in the sense that it is computationally tractable. But formulation of logics for such models can be complicated. A fairly small system can pose a formidable challenge if one more discrete state is to be introduced between 0 and 1.

  4. My worry with the logical modelling is that it is not obvious that it will always lead to the same qualitative conclusions. Presumably in some limit the chemical kinetic modelling will converge to the results of the logical modelling (e.g. when all protein states are digital). But outside this limit, could the two approaches lead to different results even when the underlying reaction network is identical?

  5. Let us consider two models: A (kinetic) and B (boolean). Both models have exactly the same set of chemical species and reactions. In this situation, I would call model A as a group and model B as a subgroup. If the parameter/solution space for model A represents a continuous multidimensional volume, the parameter/solution space for model B would be merely some discrete points contained by that volume. Summary is: a subset can never provide more information than the full set. No biological circuit in the nature probably works like a man-made boolean logic circuit.
